Spiritus International Diocesan Implementation

Phases of Diocesan Implementation

Phase 1: Leader Formation

  • Project planning and briefing of leaders

  • Initial Formation

  • Ongoing Formation

Phase 2: Implementation

  • Leader and Staff Formation

  • Formation for Youth Ministry

  • Post School Youth Ministers

Phase 3: Training & Licensing

SPIRITUS International Program graduates trained to be able to present SPIRITUS International Program Parts 1-3 and to lead and facilitate school and system planning and implementation. Licensing arrangements enable dioceses to run the program themselves with ACU support.

The three phases would typically be implemented sequentially. However, where SPIRITUS Programs have been offered to school leaders over recent years and where CSYMI has been implemented over several years, the phases could be actioned simultaneously.

Why Spiritus LEAD?

People today listen more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if they do listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. (EN, n41)

This oft-quoted observation of Saint Pope Paul IV in Evangelisation in the Modern World suggests the critical need for the ongoing evangelisation of teachers as witnesses.  The first Vatican document on the Catholic School in 1975 described this witness as of ‘the first importance’ and continuing formation as ‘indispensable’.

By their witness and their behaviour teachers are of the first importance to impart a distinctive character to Catholic schools. It is, therefore, indispensable to ensure their continuing formation through some form of suitable pastoral provision. This must aim to animate them as witnesses of Christ in the classroom… (The Catholic School, n.78)

Administration of Spiritus LEAD

Accreditation & Certification

A number of dioceses recognise SPIRITUS as a program that contributes to gaining and maintaining accreditation to lead, teach Religious Education and teach in a Catholic school.

Graduates of SPIRITUS and members of Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International may also apply for recognition and certification as a CSYMI Educator. Online courses and GROW CSYMI workshops and Zoom videos are available to members as ongoing professional learning.

 Graduates of SPIRITUS and members of the CLFN may also apply for recognition and certification as a CLFN Leader of Evangelisation. Faith formation seminars are held each term providing opportunities for prayer, formation, conversation and sharing with other school and Church leaders.

Catholic Leaders Formation Network

The Catholic Leaders Formation Network (CLFN) is a professional learning and formation network for leaders in Catholic schools, parishes, dioceses and other Church organisations engaged in evangelisation.

Graduates of SPIRITUS can join the Catholic Leaders Formation Network (CLFN) to contribute to their own ongoing formation and to support them in leading the formation of staff and students at school. Schools implementing Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International are members of the CLFN.

Through completing SPIRITUS with the resources of CSYMI and the CLFN, graduates will be equipped to lead the following programs in your school and Church context. You will also have the opportunity to participate in ongoing formation each term as a CLFN Leader of Evangelisation.

  • Porta Fidei Retreat experiences

  • CLFN Forming Leaders Series (Called and Essentials for Faith Leadership)

  • CSYMI Primary (Junior) and the Secondary Youth Ministry Programs

With the prayer resources and workshops provided by the CLFN, leaders will be better equipped to lead prayer within your community.

  • "The formation of teachers and leaders through the ACU La Salle Academy program, SPIRITUS, has had a significant impact, and I have witnessed and participated in this myself in Canberra as well as internationally in London and Rome. I described this program as being on the cutting edge of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the Catholic world at the moment."

    Archbishop Christopher Prowse - Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn

  • "Inspiring, enthusing, challenging and thought provoking. Those words come to mind when I reflect upon the last few days (SPIRITUS)…I have learnt about the importance of witnessing to the faith and to talk about our encounters with Jesus Christ in an intentional and purposeful way with our staff and students."

    Michael Exton - Principal, St Ignatius College Geelong

  • "This whole (SPIRITUS) experience has been totally transformational (International Formation program London). I have been involved in Catholic education for 40 years and this has made a fundamental change in my life and has reinforced the wonderful joy of being a Catholic educator… I feel fully connected to the universal Church and the good news that the Holy Spirit is working and moving amongst us."

    Joan McCombe - Diocese of Down and Connor Northern Ireland

  • "The main part about it (International Formation Program London) has been the way it has bought people together from different parts of the world… this has meant something quite special. From a catholic leader’s point of view in a school it has been really exciting to see a joined up and organised vision for how we might be able to deliver more effectively formation for the pupils we work with and our staff. I feel encouraged and excited about the whole experience."

    Stuart McPherson - Principal, Worth School England

  • "SPIRITUS 2022 has not only given the participants the key to unlocking the New Evangelisation for our young people in schools and parishes, but the strength to push open the doors too. The Program was sensitively created to offer human, spiritual, pastoral and intellectual formation. The days were full of deep discussion, fraternal sharing, prayerful reflection and a profound sense of hope and joy. We look forward to the fruits of this work and growing the network of faith-full Catholic leaders in the coming years."

    Barbara Coupar - Director Scottish Catholic Education Service

  • "SPIRITUS Aotearoa NZ was a pivotal opportunity for leaders and teachers to crystalise the challenge and opportunity of a New Evangelisation paradigm in NZ Catholic schools. The program presented a framework linking ecclesial documents on our evangelising mission as educators to contemporary pedagogies of evangelisation in Catholic schools and an empowering pathway for the meaningful evaluation of Catholic Special Character."

    Brendan Bergin - RE Advisor Diocese Auckland, New Zealand


Spiritus Video Testimonials Part 1

Spiritus Video Testimonials Part 2

Key References & Resources