National Youth Ministry Equipping School
The Equipping School is an intensive formation experience that inspires, trains and resources youth, young adults and ministry leaders for the mission of the Catholic Church. Following the Equipping School, participants are given the opportunity to participate in cross -cultural missions and as members of the CSYMI Youth Ministers Network.
Oceania Evangelisation Program - Fiji
Oceania Evangelisation Program
The Oceania Evangelisation Program brings together Catholic youth ministers, educators and Church leaders to experience Easter/Pentecost and be renewed as missionary disciples leading evangelisation initiatives in the Oceania region.
The Oceania Evangelisation Program in Fiji includes additional formation events leading up to the Sunday Oceania Praise and Worship event.
Oceania Praise and Worship Open Event Sunday 6th July
Catholic Education Leaders Training 4-6th July
Youth Ministry Leaders Training 5-6th July
Charismatic Leaders Gathering 5th- 6th July
School Visits 8-10th July
Oceania Evangelisation Program - Canberra
The Oceania Evangelisation Program (OEP) has been conducted over the last three years with over a thousand leaders participating in Hubs across the region. The Programs have been powerful experiences of the Holy Spirit inspiring and revitalising leaders and enabling a collaborative vision for evangelisation across the Oceania region. Again, there will be a focus on being open to experiencing the renewing grace that flows from baptism in the Spirit. The Canberra event includes a Mass at 6pm that is open to the gifts of the Spirit.
International Catholic Schools Conference
A Current of Grace ‘Renewing Catholic Schools as Centres of Evangelisation’
This two-day Conference focuses on re-imagining Catholic schools as centres of evangelisation, drawing on two high-impact strategies – leader and teacher formation and peer-to-peer youth ministry. The Australian Catholic University’s La Salle Academy and Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International conduct the Conference. It features keynotes and workshops by Catholic education system and school leaders throughout Europe, Africa, Australia and Oceania. There will also be the opportunity for school visits to witness student peer-to-peer ministry in action.