Spiritus International Diocesan Implementation
Project Leadership and Management
Individual and team roles and responsibilities will need to be identified and agreed upon. Click the button below for a sample listing and description of roles and responsibilities for consideration.
Project Timeline
Another initial task would be developing a three to four year implementation timeline with key stakeholders. This timeline would include system-wide professional formation learning the period.
Evaluation and Research
Various means of evaluating the impact of SPIRITUS International Diocesan Implementation will be considered with a view to participants describing and making judgements about:
Their level of confidence and their capacity to take a lead in planning and facilitating staff and student formation.
The impact over three years of a focus on staff and student formation for mission on school community, culture and curriculum.
ACU La Salle has developed three surveys whose aim is to provide a robust and adaptable tool for understanding and evaluating "formation for mission" within Australian Catholic schools. The proposed generic surveys address participant readiness, program quality, impact, and ongoing review and planning.
Formation Readiness Survey (FRS):
Assesses the preparedness for formation.Formation Quality Survey (FQS):
Evaluates the quality of formation programs.Formation Impact Survey (FIS):
Measures the impact of formation on leadership.
For further background information see, “Wellsprings Formation for Mission Surveys - Readiness, Quality, Impact” by Associate Professor William Sultmann AM, Associate Professor Janeen Lamb, Professor Br David Hall FMS (January 2024)
The ACU La Salle Academy, in partnership with CSYMI, is also in the process of developing the School Evangelisation Evaluation (SEE) Instrument. Click here for some further general information.
Various survey and evaluation instruments are available and can be developed to assist in this process. Examples include:
National Catholic Life Survey’s Student Spiritual Life Survey.
Rubrics for evaluating standards and benchmarks (Example NCEA Assessment Tools)
Instruments based on theoretical frameworks such as J McCann’s cultural orientations of Catholic schools.
Instruments based on review of Catholic school Church documents such as constants and characteristic elements of Catholic school mission.
For a review of contemporary surveys relating to spiritual experiences, religious commitment, faith leadership, Catholic school identity, click here.
Project Costs for Spiritus LEAD
These are negotiated with individual diocesan and other school systems and schools. They include:
ACU Fees for SPIRITUS Parts 1,2, and 3
Optional: Annual membership fees for Catholic Leaders Formation Network
Fees for services of ACU La Salle staff or contracted staff to assist in planning, implementation and evaluation over three years.
Optional: Diocesan or school membership of Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International
Optional: Costs of attending Oceania Evangelisation Program and CSYMI/ACU Conferences
Optional: Costs of attending CSYMI Equipping School
Accreditation & Certification
A number of dioceses recognise SPIRITUS as a program that contributes to gaining and maintaining accreditation to lead, teach Religious Education and teach in a Catholic school.
Graduates of SPIRITUS and members of Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International may also apply for recognition and certification as a CSYMI Educator. Online courses and GROW CSYMI workshops and Zoom videos are available to members as ongoing professional learning.
Graduates of SPIRITUS and members of the CLFN may also apply for recognition and certification as a CLFN Leader of Evangelisation. Faith formation seminars are held each term providing opportunities for prayer, formation, conversation and sharing with other school and Church leaders.